Before I gave birth, I prayed hard that my baby will be normal and have no any deformities. I am so grateful to God for answering my prayer. No Moms will ever want their child to be born with any physical disabilities, however,it cannot be denied that out of thousands of children that were born every day, there are just those unfortunate enough that was not spared.
Cleft lip, cleft palate and facial deformities caused by some abnormal hormones during pregnancies (and even sometimes caused by accidents) are just among those deformities that need special care and attention.Children born with any of these condition should not suffer for a lifetime. They have the right to enjoy life and live it to the fullest.

By the name itself, it only mean one thing- HOPE for the children born with cleft condition. Operation Smile is an awesome Non- Government Organization that perform life changing cleft surgeries on affected children whose families could not afford to pay for the operation. This organization is a medical charity for children whose primary goal is to change the lives of those children affected with cleft condition. According to their study, every three minutes a child is born with a cleft — often unable to eat, speak, socialize or smile. In some places these children are shunned and rejected. And in too many cases, their parents can't afford to give them the surgeries they need to live a normal life. That is why in 1982, Operation Smile was organized.
Where did they get their funds?
There are lots of dedicated medical volunteers and supporters who shared the same cause with them. So far, they were able to provide more than two million patient evaluation and over 200,000 free surgeries to children and young adults born with cleft lips, cleft palate and other facial deformities. The result was overwhelming. They operate in over 60 countries and I am so proud to say that their presence was also seen in Southeast Asia including the Philippines. A friend of mine was even part of this cause by being a volunteer.
How about you? Are you willing to help?

You too can be of help. You can also make a difference by being a part of this cause. Perhaps, you are just a student and you are very much willing yet you just don't know how. Well, you can be of help through textbook rental. What's the connection? Campus Book Rentals is an online site where you can rent a text book for a reasonable price. They have lots of text book to choose from. Books like Fundamentals of Phonetics: A Practical Guide for Students (2nd Edition) by Larry H. Small is just among those books that you can rent for a specific period of time. So how can you help by renting? For every book rented, the Campus Book Rental will donate a portion of those proceeds to Operation Smile. They have committed to donate enough to cover a minimum of 1,000 life changing surgeries.
With that, you have supported yourself with your studies, at the same time, you were able to make a difference to the life of those children with cleft condition and facial deformities.
Heal smiles. Act now.