Wow, I've been keeping this pic for long and have it pasted on my scrap book but unfortunately, when the flood came (earlier this year) this was among those things that were soak on the water, too bad. I left my scrapbook on top of my table but still the flood water was too high that it reached above it... Anyway at least the damage was not that much. I was still able to save this rare memorabilia. Why rare? These are my parents on their wedding day, the only pic that was left so far. Their
marriage never lasted for long...:( Or maybe, they're just
not really meant for each other. The picture itself seems to prove the reality that they are not happy? I can see no hint from their faces. I chose to feature this for
Friday Photo Flashback and to
Seven Clown Circus so that I can preserve this almost torn, almost lost picture of the two people whom I owe my life with despite the fact that they do not have a successful marriage. They said,
what the Lord has bind together, let no man separate- I wish it will always be the case. But this is beyond my control, it happened already. I'll just hope and pray to God earnestly that this will not happen to me nor to my other siblings. After all, God predestined us even before we are born and I do firmly believe that everything happens for a reason even if it is beyond our comprehension. As for me, God has a wonderful and perfect plan a way too far different from my parents... Something that I will look forward to. Amen!