Looking back, if I am to recall my childhood years, it's full of emotions. I grew up with an abusive father who eventually abandoned us for another woman. Because of that, my Mom became overly protective to us. We have lot's of DO's and DON'Ts. It was a struggle for me to ask permission whenever I received an invitation from a friend for a special occasions. We are not also allowed to get into relationship while still studying. So many DON'Ts that the list could go on. However, I also grew up with a "rebellious heart". I do what I believe is right with ample consideration on its possible "consequences". I could consider my Mom as controlling type and me as stubborn daughter. Yes, I used to failed my Mom's expectations for countless times. I get into relationship, I didn't heed some of her pieces of advice, and so on...
Now that I am a Mom of three and a teacher of many students, I realized one valuable lessons- MOM KNOWS BEST. There are so many lessons that I have imparted to my students that have something to do with those nuggets of wisdom that I learned from my Mom. Have I listened and follow those lessons she emphasized to me, I would have a better life. But there's no time for me to regret all those failures that I've done in my life. I have to move on and be strong like what my Mom did for us when my father abandoned us. I could only pray to God that I will be an effective Mom as well to my children. I could consider myself as quite controlling just like my Mom but I am also learning the effect of being one.
Relating to my job as a teacher, I've seen so many students who have been struggling in their life as sons and daughters. I've witnessed so many outpouring whenever I asked them what has been bothering them. I am just so glad that somehow I could relate to them, I could feel their struggles and I could share to them all those valuable thoughts that I have learned as I grew up. Then I realized that each one of us have different coping mechanism. Some are good in hiding their real emotions and some are too expressive. But one thing that I love about my profession, I could reach the heart of my students and they are very willing to open up and pour out their emotions without any hesitations. Though I slowly become a shock absorb-er, but I totally enjoyed what I am doing.