Friday, June 26, 2009

H1N1 scare...

Before there was...
MENNINGOCOCCEMIA (do i spelled it correctly?)...
and NOW....
SWINE FLU (a.k.a AH1N1)...

Viruses... too scary.. contagious... deadly...
Who's not afraid of it...
Even just a common flu, people were already getting paranoid about it...
Me for instance, i recently suffered from cough, cold and slight fever that I was absent from work for a day... But i didn't take it as a serious case...
Be it H1N1 or 3-n-1 + 1 (as i tried to make a joke about it)... the thing there is that, WE CAN ALL DIE BY ANY KINDS OF DISEASES... Be it an epidemic or none, it could be a reason of our death... Why should be afraid? Be very afraid? For any reason, if your time has to end... then it has to end...
There's really nothing to worry about...
That's part of our life cycle... all things that has a beginning has an ending...
As my teacher way back in college told us, we humans existed from womb to TOMB.
God bless everyone!
Take care...

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