Saturday, June 10, 2017

Why Is It Important to Be Loyal?

Loyalty is a virtue esteemed by many. Almost anybody can recognize it's value. It is often the glue that keeps friendships, couples, and families together. It's an intangible characteristic that has the ability to both strengthen and build solid relationships between people and can be unshakeable at its core. The benefits of this powerful virtue are many.

Loyalty Breeds Faithfulness

Loyalty is a commitment that extends far beyond emotions and convenience. When a person is loyal to their family, job, or friend, they are faithful even when they don't want to be. The importance of the commitment binds them tightly to the person or situation they've committed to and fuels their behavior far after pleasurable feelings and convenience have left. Faithfulness and loyalty are interchangeable in many ways. A person who has faith in someone or something will serve their cause even when evidence is not supportive of their faith. Loyalty operates similarly. Faith can deeply bind a person to a cause or another person, making a relationship rock solid. When loyalty breeds faith people believe in one another and are compelled to do their best.Loyalty based faith inspires people to reach higher and do more beyond their comfort zone.

Loyalty Withstands the Test of Time

Perhaps one of the most endearing attributes of loyalty is its ability to endure over time. A loyal husband continues to take care of his cancer-stricken wife year after year even though she doesn't get better. Just as hard working parents will continue to go to that second job after a long day at their first, out of loyalty to their children. This virtue powers service to others. On a simpler note, loyalty may even inspire you to properly care for a friends borrowed toy and return the custom cornhole sets in the same condition that they were received. Things like this can be an expression of loyalty too.

Loyalty Intensifies Relationships

Loyalty within a relationship can become such a strong quality that the relationship intensifies in depth. It may cause a husband and wife to fall deeper in love with each other or a friendship to grow by leaps and bounds over the course of time. It is at the core of every solid relationship and a necessity to stand the test of time.

Loyalty has many powerful benefits. It fuels many wholesome behaviors. It has the ability to withstand both time and change as well as greatly intensify a connection between people. It is often the glue that binds people closely together and keeps them connected. Without this virtuous characteristic, many milestones are impossible to reach within a relationship. It is the vital glue necessary to breed trust and faith.

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