I've been teaching for a total of 13 years, 11 years in HEI as part-time instructor and 4 years in public high school. The teaching job is not easy but because of my love, commitment, and pure dedication on this job, I embrace the complexity, the burden as well as the "challenges" (in broader sense) of this job. Yes, there are lots of things that should be reviewed in the system but nevertheless, we are still holding on to this job. You know the reason why? It's not merely about our salary because honestly it's not that rewarding considering the many ancillary that held us accountable. It's all about passion. Our passion to mold younger generation in order to make them a useful citizen in the future. In fact, it is our great pride seeing them excel in their chosen craft. How much more seeing them becoming a mentor as well. Right now I have four colleagues who used to be my students in the university where I used to teach. I could only wish that few years from now, more of my students will finish their studies. Their success is what fuels us to do more, to strive harder, to go on and hold on to this job. Yes, teaching is the noblest profession of all. If there are some teachers you know who dreaded this job then probably they're just been mistakenly took this job for the wrong reason.
I am so proud that I am a teacher. A catalyst of change!

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