Friday, June 25, 2021

Why Do We Often Get Stressed With Our Work?

As a public school teacher, I was not assigned to solely teach my students, I have other vital functions to perform. Currently, I am the Learning Information System (LIS) Coordinator in our school where I was tasked to monitor our enrolment, dropouts, moved-ins, and moved-outs, facilitate school form requests, and the like. I was also tasked to submit the  Monthly Enrolment Report to our Division Office. Indeed the role was pretty tasking and oftentimes it drained my energy and eventually affects my teaching career. Aside from being a LIS Coordinator, I was also given the tasks to write a communication letter, edit a video, layout a tarpaulin, and troubleshoot some of my colleagues' ICT-related problems. The task itself wasn't that stressful, what makes it become stressful was when deadlines are coming and not everyone is cooperating. Stress is manageable so long as you are not all by yourself. 
In an organization, teamwork is totally important in getting the work done on time. If one fails to cooperate, it could affect the majority. And if everybody is helping, things will go on smoothly. When it is always the scenario, stress is just an expectation but never a reality.

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