To the most influential person in my life, Happiest birthday! I know you won't get to read this because you're not even following my blog, but to those who will be able to read this, today is my Mom's 65th birthday!
Indeed, God has been so faithful in her life and I couldn't thank God enough for what He has done to her. My Mom deserves the kind of life that she's living right now. I am also thankful to my baby sister who has been the instrument of my Mom's better life condition. he deserves it more than anyone else. All the hardship that she went through is beyond compare, I would say. She's so strong that she was able to surpass it all! I am praying that Mom would live longer, that she'll enjoy her life more as she ages.
To you, Mom cheers to a good life and more adventures for you and Jenny. Love you both!

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