Friday, September 9, 2022

Illustrating my Future as a Teacher

Today marks my 20th year of existence with 21 years of experience...

Maturity may not always come with our chronological age, but the way I see myself right now, I can say that I am getting there nevertheless.

I have so many things running on my mind lately- plans, bucket lists, hang-ups, regrets for the things that I should have done yet failed to do, all those what-ifs, and what I would become.

Life these past days taught me a lot of things. Life is meant to be shared, and so does life's experiences. I am just so glad that I was able to interact with students again after two years of modular learning.

Every time I saw the eagerness of my students to learn something new, I felt the need as well to find new challenges for myself- to try something new too!

After 7 years of teaching Technical Drafting (TD), I lost track of what I really want for my students to learn. The resources are just so limited that for 7 years it felt like I am just producing half-baked individuals who might have the theories but were deprived of applications. Even myself isn't improving anymore.

I love TD (that's for sure) but I could tell that it's not really my passion. I'm not always good with drawing figures having technical specifications, and accurate measurements because I always deviate from the standard way of doing it. I am not good at following exact dimensions. So I let my students explore that things-some were successful but most haven't shown their interest.

What really was my passion? I love doing RANDOM things!

Random arts- random sketching, random lettering, random creative ideas, random picture, and video editing.

So I asked my School Head to have a shift in my specialization... something that could unleash my potential, something more practical and more fun to learn- so I've introduced myself to TLE- ILLUSTRATION...

When I read the Curriculum Guide for ILLUSTRATION, I knew right there and then that this is what I really want! I am still trying to learn about it but I want to explore and discover all its possibilities. And I want to do it together with my students...

I may be starting from scratch yet I learned to embrace it and wanted to learn more from it...

Painting/Color Rendering
Logo Making
T-shirt designing/layouting
Digital Arts
Microsoft Applications
bonus track- Video Editing

and more...

Indeed, I am happy on my Birthday.

Thanking God for His wisdom, strength, guidance, and His provisions because, yes, it's an extravagant course hahaha, so help me God.

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