I bet, many of you were disappointed with the judges' verdict on Pacqiuao-Bradley fight. Well, count me in but let's face it: EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON and, LET'S MOVE ON!
Whether there's a conspiracy going on it's beyond our control. Let them (the organizers and promoters) settle the issue- and let them pick up the pieces of their "broken integrity" (echus!). Win or lose, PacMan got the biggest share so nothing to lose other than his fame. But the way people/spectators judged it-PACMAN won! so let's drop the issue LOL!
Anyway, change topic- I would like to introduce to you my baby blog-ONLINE CHALKBOARD. It's still free hosted and I need help in setting it up with my newly acquired domain courtesy of my dearly beloved and ever supportive co-blogger, Mommy Nita Thomas. As much as possible, I want this blog to be really informative and helpful too to all viewers. I am hoping as well that I could maintain it- the fifth on my list of owned blogs. I will be talking about it more soon as soon as the domain is already active.