Showing posts with label Family issue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family issue. Show all posts

Thursday, March 30, 2023

"The Art of Love: Nurturing Connections on Valentine's Day and Beyond"

Valentine's Day, celebrated on February 14th, is a special occasion dedicated to love and affection. While it's commonly associated with romantic relationships, it's also an excellent opportunity to express love in various forms—friendship, family, and self-love. In this article, we'll explore the art of love, emphasizing the importance of meaningful connections that go beyond traditional notions of romance.

Celebrating All Forms of Love:
Valentine's Day is not just for couples; it's a day to celebrate all relationships. Take this opportunity to show appreciation for your friends, family, and even yourself. Send a heartfelt message, spend quality time, or exchange thoughtful gestures to express gratitude and affection.

The Power of Kindness:
Love is not always about grand gestures; small acts of kindness can have a profound impact. On Valentine's Day, consider performing random acts of kindness for strangers or loved ones. It could be as simple as a compliment, a smile, or a helping hand. These gestures create a ripple effect, spreading love and positivity.

Quality Time Matters:
In our fast-paced world, spending quality time with loved ones is a precious gift. Plan activities that foster connection, such as a cozy dinner, a nature walk, or a movie night. Disconnect from digital distractions and focus on being present with those you cherish.

Expressing Gratitude:
Take a moment to reflect on the positive aspects of your relationships. Write a heartfelt letter expressing your gratitude and appreciation for the people in your life. This practice not only strengthens your bonds but also serves as a reminder of the love that surrounds you.

Friday, April 23, 2021

To All Those Who Grew In a Not So Complete Family

Family is life, having both parents upon growing up is life!

Well, I honestly admired all husbands who stand by their wives through thick and thin. And a hand salute to all the wives who remain faithful to their husbands amidst adversaries that their family life has encountered.

The common reason why family falls apart or why marriages have shattered is because of infidelity. Me, being a product of a broken family knows how it feels to have a shattered home. I know how it felt to grow up without a father, and believe me it's not really easy.

The sad thing about having a broken family is that not all kids have the same way of coping with the situation. Not all kids have the courage to accept the fact positively. There are those who became lost and became a problem themselves. I have seen a lot of young ones slowly ruining their lives believing that their life is already trash after all and there is no future waiting for them. As a teacher, it becomes a burden to me. I wish I could explain to them that there is still a brighter future waiting for them if they won't allow their situation to overwhelm them. However, I cannot just control their actions as well as their perspective in life. There are those who tried to but still fail because they have less or no parental support. My heart truly bleeds for them.

I wish to convey this message to my fellow parents out there, especially to those mothers like me. If you think your marriage is in doom, and no means left to aid the situation and you thought of ending the relationship- please make sure that you don't abandon your responsibility as a mother. Do not neglect your duty as a parent. Explain to your children why there is a need to end the relationship because even the kids can feel the toxicity and eventually will understand your decision. But never ever abandon them for another man to be with, that is totally a horrible decision. 

Our situations may vary but we could come up with the same solution- holding on to our role as a parent. Our children don't necessarily have to become a casualty of our failed marriages, they should not suffer because we made the bad decision. Let's not add insult to injury. Let us be sensible enough no matter what.

Bottom line, let our conscience, our common sense, and our faith in God be our ultimate guide in rearing our children.

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