Showing posts with label legal matters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label legal matters. Show all posts

Thursday, January 16, 2014

When Do You Need to Hire a Tax Attorney?

If you have received a letter from the IRS stating you have inappropriately filed your taxes, it is a good idea to call Mutual Law Group right away. Hiring a tax attorney in Sacramento to help you with your taxes can prevent you from paying serious fines, and even ending up in jail. A tax attorney knows the tax laws, and they are able to handle complex cases. Here are some of the common reasons why hiring a tax attorney will benefit your situation.

I Am Being Audited

Receiving a letter from the IRS for an audit can be a scary situation for a lot of people. If you are being audited, it doesn’t hurt to consult with an attorney. The attorney will review your letter, your taxes, and can help you find out what you need to do. If you owe the IRS money, the attorney can try to negotiate a settlement with them. This is the best way to find a reasonable solution to your debt problem, and it can help to keep you out of serving jail time.

Criminal Charges

Anyone facing criminal charges for tax evasion and other issues with the IRS needs to hire an attorney. If the IRS is pursuing you, it is important that you get an attorney on your side. You do not want to go up against the IRS and their expensive attorneys. You are required to pay income tax by law. If you haven’t done this, and you have ignored their letters, it doesn’t look good on your end. If the IRS feels you are hiding, they will come after you and accuse you of tax fraud. Without legal representation to help you, you could end up with a serious fine or end up serving jail time.

Dealing with the IRS

If you are not sure how to deal with the IRS, call Mutual Law Group. They have the right experience dealing with the IRS. You can sign power of attorney to them, and they will communicate directly with the IRS on your behalf. This is the best way to reduce your stress burden, and to know your attorney will be able to take care of the matter. 

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