Friday, May 29, 2009

One Week Later...

Wow I hardly noticed, one week had passed since my Huggy left...
I remember those first few days that I fought back my emotion...
But as of now, I fully recovered... not because I forget him (of course not!)
But simply because I do trust God that in His time
He will fulfill His promises for both of us...
I am hopeful and very much happy now...

Under Control

May 29, 2009 a little over 8:00 am, a commotion outside the office catches our attention... That was just a few seconds after there was a power failure...When we went outside to check what was it all about, this was what we have found...
Black smoke came out from the top of the gymnasium...

Few minutes has gone by before one fire truck came... then the others follow...
The blazing fire was so huge that in less than an hour, this is what the interior of the gymnasium looks like...

The said gymnasium existed for about 30 years... It is actually scheduled for renovation but there was a bidding failure... It is supposed to be rescheduled for rebidding... But well, as we can see, what it need is no longer a renovation, but rather a total reconstruction...
We're just thankful enough that nobody was harmed...
What a fateful Last Friday...
But nothing to worry, everything is under control... by God! :)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Being Real...

Sometimes we tend to hide our real identity...
It's not because we're hiding something,
we're just reluctant to let others know the real us...
or to simply put it... we're just avoiding the possibility of offending them

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

All By Myself...

There are point in our lives when we became dependent to others that working without them is quite difficult... Dependency is one thing that I need to overcome... I used to decide things not by myself but with the help of others... When we are used to be with somebody almost everyday, we get used to them and maybe too attached to them that it can be hard for us to adjust our daily routine without them... (Well it doesn't really apply to everyone)...
Well, adjustment could never be that easy... but one thing is for sure, it takes two weeks to form a habit, same thing as it will take few more weeks and I'll be able to develop the habit of being alone... All by myself :)
Gracias everyone!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


just a simple note to remind ourselves that once in a while we need to RELAX...
Let us not be overwhelmed with our busyness....
A lot of things may need to be done early but, hey! why not sit back and relax
then get back to work later when you're done unloading many unnecessary thoughts from your mind... Remember,the best thing to overcome pressure is to simply relax and then refocus!
Have a relaxing Tuesday everyone!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

My Sister...

This is my sister... my bestfriend...

we used to fight about nonsense things just for fun

we used to watch movie together

we used to hang out together

i have my first trip via plane with her

she's the youngest yet she thinks bigger things than I do

She's strict yet so sweet

I miss her so much

I am anticipating for her return next year

I miss my bestfriend, my sis...

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