Monday, October 11, 2010

Customized Christmas Cards

It is only few months left and we will again celebrate the Holiday Season. As we all know, this is the best time of the year to express your genuine generosity.  For the coming Holiday Season, aside from the gift giving rituals (as we used to do it) exchanging card is also part of the game. However, the long line on the malls may consume your patience just for a card, so why not have it via online. There are many online companies who sell greeting cards at affordable price, but of course, not individually but by bunch. Like 123print they offer 10 cards, at the minimum, for an amazing price of as low as $6.95. Not only that, you can also customize it with their photo option. Isn’t it amazing to have your card send to your love one with such a personal touch that will really leave a lasting impression to them? Not only that, the text is customizable. With that, you can express your heart out. Indeed, you can now do away with pre-formatted card sold in the market with wonderful messages but not from your own thought (only similar, as the case may be). Avail this and have a customized, different Christmas.
Happy Holiday!

Floody Friday

We have another round of intensive workout at the office this morning. Yes, that workout was the effect of the flood last Friday caused by heavy rain and overflowing of the creek. This was the first flood for this month (thrice from the previous month). The two hour rain brought flood much worst than the other week, but not as worst as last year. Well, life as it is, there are times when our patience are really tested… Patience is a virtue anyway! Few weeks from now, we’ll be transferring to the other location.

MYM: Anime

Pretty anime

Sunday, October 10, 2010

10 10 10

My niece' 8th birthday...

Wishing her so much love and happiness...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Shoot Me: 5 years ago...

5 years ago...

when I am still young...


when I am not weighing that much...

Forever In Blue Jeans
Head on to Carin for more of Shoot Me entries

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

WFW: 1 Peter 4:10

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