Nowadays, people grab all the possible opportunities just to earn an extra income. Why? Normally, for financial stability. It is quite difficult to meet both ends when you know that what you get is not enough to sustain all your needs and those who depend much on you...
As I learned little by little on how to generate income via online, the more I desire to focus and reach my goal. As of now, my first goal is to have my own laptop which will be my buddy in realizing my goal... I do hope and pray that i could acquire that the soonest possible time. My first (supposedly the answer to my prayer) employer did not continue on giving me his assignments because there was a delay and my time is limited during day time... :(

3 comments/reactions:
Igsoon maka laptop ra jud ka in God's time we will pray for that:) Ug na lingaw ko sa akong first earned $1 bid ko pinaka cheap for the first time just to test how it works:)paunsa mag link link ug chuva ug how to make it:))weeeh..praising God for it!No matter the compensation but the learning on how to do it..haha
wow.. go go go lang jud igsoon.. hinay hinay or ginagmay basta kanunay permi jud na lahutay! :)
well... i really wish you luck on that, girl!
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