Monday, November 24, 2014

Planting Seed of Hope

I just realized, I've been teaching for a decade already. It is such a great fulfillment to see some of my past students living a kind of life that they truly deserves, in the same manner, I also felt sorry for those who were not able to make it to their dreams.

Until now, I am still doing the business of meddling with their lives. Just like a concerned mother, I never run out of tested and proven pieces of advice. However, not all of them are receptive enough in heeding because they want to live their life according to what can make them happy. Honestly, I also came to a point of giving up on reminding them, nurturing them because for me, it's just another case of vain effort.

But how can I just neglect them when it is very evident that there is a greater need for teachers who can empathize with them. After all, not all of them are playing deaf to all my reprimands, reminders and warnings. As a matter of fact, there are few who will just approach me unexpectedly to thank me for the gesture of concern when they were still with me. It brings me joy somehow. And these are the kind of students who will then be a living example to others. I use their stories for others to learn.

I am a teacher indeed who must continue to plant the seed of hope even if others will just simply ignore it because I am equally hopeful that within the four corners of the classroom, there is at least one soul who will heed my call and become successful someday.

I'll just wait for them to see me, and perhaps, to thank me that once in their lives, there is this school teacher who spend a minute or two of her time reprimanding them, scolding them and punishing them with tons of activities for them to grow and realized that indeed going to school is an investment for their future and no one should declare total bankruptcy. 

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