Every Holy Week season, it's been a tradition to stay home and to keep from boredom to come, movie marathon is the best pastime. (Well, of course, I did movie marathon just after I've had my personal reflection of God's faithfulness in my live and His greatest love for me, undeniably).
So, movie marathon, yes it is. The last time I've watched GOT (Game of Throne), was during my maternity leave and right after that, I was already unmindful about it. But seriously, I really find the movie so interesting. Since Tuesday night, I have. Throwback episodes of GOT, but eventually, I find it too dragging so I've decided to watch again one of my favorite Netflix movies, the Outlaw King.
This was the second time that I've watched the movie. Honestly, a movie with such a scene as medieval times, with kingdoms fighting against each other-these are my kind of movies, thus GOT and those movie alike could really caught my attention.
The Outlaw King movie is simply one of a kind. I couldn't imagine how the lead character, Chris Pine, the Scottish King, could win the war against England, just imagine a ratio of 3000 against 500 or less soldiers. The movie isn't predictable at all. By the second time I watched it, I was still very interested how King Robert could surpass his battle in aim to regain his country from the tyrant King and Prince of Wales. And yes, the Queen, I so love her. She's not the typical type of Queen who is so reliant to her King. I love her character, and maybe, I'll be looking forward of seeing her other movies again.
So that's it. They said, this movie is a good alternative for those who are patiently waiting for the Season 8 of GOT (which was finally released as of this writing). Try to watch the movie and see fit yourself!
It's a Good Friday, indeed.

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