Friday, May 14, 2021

The Art of Acceptance

Indeed it's very true that you'll only get to know your partner when you'll be living on the same roof and as time goes by of living together.

It can't be denied that there's no such thing as perfect relationship among married couples. There will always be flaws, shortcomings, misunderstanding and even relationship gap. However, there might be no perfect relationship, but there are still many couples who remain in the commitment til their last breath. How did it happen? How do they make it work?


Yes, indeed. Acceptance is the key in order to have a highly effective marriage. According to the book written by Nancy Van Pelt, "an important prerequisite to accepting your partner at face value is the ability to accept yourself just as you are" She said that self-worth is an honest appraisal of oneself. That is accepting your limitations that you've been unable to change and the ability to move ahead after failing many times. Through self-acceptance, it enables you to pay attention to others as well and become tolerant of the weaknesses of others as you are of your own.

Personally, before I got married to my husband,  I have so many expectations that only my mind could imagine because as we build our own family, I have so many frustrations because of all those unmet expectations. But what can I do? So, instead of resenting, nagging, and blaming him (which I actually did before), I accepted him and condition my mind that it's him and I can't do anything about it. My full acceptance of his total being actually resulted to positive result because by the time I stopped nagging him, he's now more open and more easy to deal with especially in rearing our three children. 

Indeed, acceptance is the key. If you find it so difficult to do, just reconsider that you have different backgrounds, different upbringing. Reconsider as well that you have different beliefs and principles in life. By the time you marry him, you're not only marrying the person in flesh, you are also bound to commit down to his soul.

Longing for a lifetime commitment?

Accept and meet halfway.

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