Monday, May 24, 2010

Clearer Vision with USAEyes

Eye really matters being the window of our soul. If the problem you are facing right now has something to do with your vision, consider a kind of surgery that is reliable and suitable that would really solve the problem. Lasik surgery is just one of the solutions but do not just undergo such operation without knowing much about Lasik surgery and to whom you should entrust to do the operation.  USAEyes, cited by trusted organizations, has this advocacy in informing the public about the things that you ought to know about Lasik and other similar procedure. They have certified Lasik doctors whom you can really rely on.Visit to know more about Lasik and other similar vision correction surgery.

Inspirational Insights Turns 1...

Inspirational Insights

Chris of Inspirational Insights,turned 1 this month. She is also the woman behind The Mommy Journey  and   Chris Chronicles. 

She'll be sponsoring a contest with the following simple guidelines:

1. Write a post about what inspires you and link it back to her contest page saying it is your official entry.
2. Write another post about this contest with the list of sponsors on it. For  the list of sponsors, copy the code here.

These are her noble sponsors:

Promo runs from May 15 until May 30 12am EST. The winner will be chosen via and announced on May 31. Three winners will be drawn, so get the chance to be one of them!

So what are you waiting for? Join now!

You Inspired Me...

Yes you read it right... YOU inspired me. By merely reading this post, you inspired me to write more. By writing your comment, you inspired me all the more. Writing has been my passion ever since my younger years. It is through this hobby that I could release all my tensions as well as my stress. It is through writing that I could express my thoughts and emotions when I have no enough courage and confidence to say it. This is how I communicate with my Mom when talking back is not an option. And this is also how she understood my feelings. Writing plays a very important role in my life.I can be of myself, I can really be who I really am. When things seems falling apart for me, pen and paper are my most trustworthy companion. They allow me to pour out my feelings and after that I can really be okay. I write because I am confident that someone will read it. I write because I know that someone will understand me without saying anything. I write because God gave me that passion and I write hoping that someone else will be inspired to do the same. 

I was also inspired to draw. I am not a professional artist but God designed me to have this passion as well... It is in my sketches that I find solace when I am drained from work. It is with this passion as well that I know God can use me mightily... 

I am an average writer... an average artist but God put an unexplainable contentment in my heart that being average on the talent that He gave means contentment on the simplicity of life that only Him can fill. After all, God is too wise to be mistaken. Thanks for inspiring me! God bless.

MYM: Funkypics... edited =)


I am so attracted with this funky pics from Dapino-Graphics that I make a simple collage and make it as my desktop's wallpaper... The black portion was intended for the desktop shortcuts to make it visible... Grab it and make it your desktop wall paper too!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Health is Wealth at Oxis International

The most sought-after product nowadays are those products that contains anti aging properties.  As early as 25 years, most men and women alike patronize products that contain such properties. Many of us are also particular with whitening products. The most popular right now are glutathione. We can find it in soap, lotion and even in capsules!  Check for their products that does not only contain anti aging and whitening properties, but anti-oxidant as well! Oxis International is the premier provider for the potent anti-oxidant, which is the Ergothioneine. It maybe hard to spell but it is absolutely effective. As I searched about this kind of anti oxidant, Ergothioneine is an antioxidant amino acid that occurs naturally in the body and is found in high concentrations around cells that are subjected to free radical damage. Getting health conscious needs a considerable amount of investment. Do not settle for less but of suspicious quality, they're all nothing but a penny stocks. OXIS's Ergothioneine is the only significant commercial source of l-ergothioneine worldwidemanufactured by Oxis. 

Follow Oxis on twitter

 Check Oxis on facebook as well.

Friday, May 21, 2010


Let it be known that I made changes on my account for my two other blogs....

Please check this out: for my "my significant other" blog
and for my "living life to the fullest"

please make some corrections on your bloglist so i can be linked.


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