Thursday, May 27, 2010

TT: Going Deeper

Faith: Trusting Your Own Deepest Experience

"To go deeper is a choice". that's the line of my friend Leah when she gave her message yesterday during our Wednesday Fellowship.

Yes, that it absolutely true. God gave us this freewill-our freedom to choose. There is a price that we need to pay if we opt to go deeper, according to her. Prices like patience, endurance, determination, and FAITH. She emphasized FAITH. Going Deeper is a STEP OF FAITH. Again, I agree with her.

Faith is the ABSENCE OF FEAR. Unlike FAITH, fear will crippled us- disabling us to do what we ought to do (in accordance to God's will)... On the other hand, faith will move us and allow us to do what seems to be impossible... FAITH originated from God, and with God NOTHING is impossible.

And so now, I need that kind of faith. Now that I am about to take a greater challenge ahead of me, I need a multiple dosage of faith to enable me to do what seems to be impossible... With this amount of faith I will be able to get empowered without a hint of fear nor doubt...

Going deeper is a LEAP of faith... I need to make that choice.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Without God I am Nothing...

Yes without Him I am nothing. God has proved it to me so many times... and He proved it again to me this time. When I was in the situation wherein I have no one to run to except Him. Again, God's answered to my prayer saved me when I found myself in a very awkward predicament... that if not because of His intervention, I do not know if where will I be right now.

I declared God's awesome goodness, His present help in time of needs...His faithfulness in my life is immeasurable... In spite of my unfaithfulness... my defiance... He loves me unconditionally...

To Him I bring back all the glory and honor!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Magical Pinkville

This has something to do with Yuuki's Contest Mechanic for her Twin blog Anniversary, to write a blog review about one of her sponsors...
And I picked Liz' Pinkville blog. This pinky blog has a symbol of femininity on it all over. From her choice of colors to her graphics, Sailormoon was there.. Her blog focused on girl power... Oops, did I say it right? No! She's into magical thing... She played Magic: The Gathering! (or was that a game?)  Gosh I don't have any idea about that game but it seems like she really enjoyed it so much... Hmmm why not check it out for you to see...

Blog Review: The Drama Queen

I just realized that Yuuki and I shared a lot in common.... from the favorite color (which I assume and presume as PINK), for being Asian drama fanatic and to being bubbly!(I supposed)
Her DRAMA QUEEN blog is indeed a proof that she prefers Asian dramas than our very own, which she justified well as to why. But it seems like she's about to broaden her territory in Drama thing... She's into American dramas too! well, I'll be expecting a whole lot more from this blog... As of now, I have her blog on my list to keep me posted!
go go go Yuuki!
(Note: Please feature Korean drama videos that can be downloaded :)

Blog Review: It's Not Always About Me, Really?

This is a blog review for Yuuki's It's Not All About Me
Partly true...she justified it by the next line of her Blog Title: BUT MOST OF THE TIME IT IS...
Yes, that's Yuuki. I might not have the chance of meeting her personally but i can tell that she's bubbly! And like me, she's into pink! A certified Pinka-holic! Her sponsors would really love her more because of her thoughtfulness. Why? As you can see on her blog, all her sponsors were well presented on her reviews and mind you, all their badges are on her sidebar! No wonder more and more sponsors won't hesitate to back her up. As you can see, her prizes are indeed so tempting. By the way, she's my co-BC blogger!
Nice knowing your blog Yuuki, you're now the latest member on my BLOG LIST. Check it out!

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Game Is On for Yuuki!

Wow, Indeed summer won't be complete without joining this contest sponsored by Yuuki in celebration of her blogversary! Well, to qualify for the Raffle Prize, you must have a minimum of 500 points (contestants can have more raffle tickets depending on her total points, e.g total points = 1100 is equivalent to 2 raffle tickets). Earning the points are fun as well. Here's how:

Special Notes:
* For those with multiple blogs, you can do items A to D on all your blogs with full credits (but use one name/ email add)
* Contest Sponsors gets 100 points top-up

I am so preoccupied in joining the contests for my blogger friends. Actually, I should be one of them considering that I just turned one year in blogosphere on the 17th, but due to time constraint and sponsorship, I wasn't able to come up with a contest like this. So far this is the third contest I've joined so far for this month alone! Hmmm... hope I could have the chance to win to any of them since their prizes are so tempting!

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