Friday, April 15, 2011

I Do...

The Essence of  True Love...

Yes, they do love each other that they want to seal that with their vow to live as one from this day onward....

To Ate Nelgin and Ockert, there's no other thing to say than cOngRatuLatiOnS!


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Pink Friday 4: The Family of Pink

center jud?

Center indeed... lol!
Just click the picture to enlarge..
Happy Pink Fridays everyone!

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Thursday, April 14, 2011

TT/ Picture Perfect 14: My Great Kuya Ed

In our life, people come and go while others choose to stay. There are some whom you seldom meet but will remain a good friend if not the best. In my case, I got the opportunity to meet such kind of people and I truly thank God for their lives.

I may not able to communicate with them as often as it should be but the connection remains. To all those friends of mine whom I considered as a part of my family as well, I would like to mention one special person who made a difference and gave a great impact in my life... Meet Engr. Elpidio Amper Jr. or simply known as "Kuya Ed".

Kuya Ed back then...

I met Kuya Ed way back Year 2002. I was introduced to him by my classmates who were part of his Bible Study contacts. He paved the way for me to understand the truth about God and the reality of my salvation. He is my Spiritual Father. He's been in the Navigators Ministry for more or less 31 years. His faithfulness is greatly rewarded by God by giving him a Godly woman, helpmate, and wife who stood beside him through thick and thin... Ate Edith.

His ONE and ONLY
so sweet....


As they both continue with their life's journey, they have proven and tested God's faithfulness by being faithful as well to the works for the Lord. Kuya Ed is a full pledged Civil Engineer just like Ate Edith but he opt to be a full time missionary. He never regretted his decision for more than ten years now. He was with the Navigators Ministry who have nurtured him as well into a mature Christian.  Ate Edith is a High School teacher and a leader too. Amidst life's adversaries, they were never shaken because they knew their stand before God.

Their marriage was blessed with three wonderful children, Aziel, Jotham and Edrei. All their children are achievers with God's given talent and wisdom. Aziel, their only daughter already  finished her Baccalaureate degree while their two energetic sons are still pursuing with their studies. Indeed, they are one small yet happy family. 

Picture Perfect!

Their faithfulness extended up to the hundreds or thousands of youths perhaps who were now active on the ministry as well. I am so happy that some of his present Bible contacts were once my students. I may not be the instrument being used by God but I am so blessed knowing that they are   on the right direction.
Fruits of his labor....

Kuya Ed is indeed a fulfilled man who is so faithful with his ministry and a truly God fearing man.

Today, as he turned 51, his faithfulness remains and his enduring patience is inevitable. To you Kuya, I truly salute you and I am so happy for having you. You are one of a kind. Thank you so much for everything Kuya. I know I have lots of shortcomings and have been quite unfaithful to the Navigators Ministry but I always acknowledged how this Ministry have molded me into what I become right now. If not with Kuya's enduring patience, I just can't tell where I am right now. I remember those times when I am lost but yet Kuya never lose the patience to look for me and revive me spiritually. Though we do not often see each other, I know in my heart that Kuya Ed has been praying for me and to the rest of my batch mates. Thank you so much Kuya.

God will bless you richly.

In behalf of the Navs Batch 2000, Happy happy Birthday! We love you!

Picture Perfect

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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

WFW: Matthew 7: 24-26

Matthew 7: 24-26, Jesus said,

 24 “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. 26 But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.
Reality check, we can accurately quote a verse from the Bible but sometimes we failed to live what it really meant. We have our memory verse since we studied the Bible but forgot to apply it in our lives. God's word is indeed a very powerful weapon against all the adversaries that we may encounter in our daily existence. 

For the last three Sundays, I've been ministering the nannies in our church. Sad to say, not all of them were interested to join. However, I take delight for those who have the heart to be a part of the fellowship. I can say that some of them are still neophyte when it comes to their faith and walk with God. While ministering to them, I already conditioned my mind that I cannot expect everyone to be as responsive as I have expected. I knew that the conviction on their heart should come from God. That was what I kept on emphasizing on them. I can relate to them somehow because I felt what they felt during my early years as Christian. Even up to this point, I cannot even guarantee to myself that I have really a very strong foundation with God. The fact that I easily get affected whenever I encountered some personal problems, I noticed that my doubts have almost overtaken my faith. Good thing I am surrounded with loving people whose faith have been tested by time and experience.

I learned to love the task that was given to me. At first, I was really hesitant considering that I am not close to any of them. But I believe that this thing happened for a reason because through them I learned the value of humility and patience. During our discussions, I requested them to share their life's experiences based on out topic and I was really blessed with it.  By God's grace, I can see their heart and I knew that someday, they too will have a life that is purpose driven, since I am using Rick Warren's Purpose-Driven Life as a tool in ministering to them. 

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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Before I Die...

As I was browsing my Stumble collections since today is supposedly Stumble Tuesday, my attention was caught with this entry from Candy Chang of Somehow, it stirs up my curiosity that I was compelled to fill in the blank: BEFORE I DIE I WANT TO ___________...
Well, as for me, there's a lot of things that i want to do before I die...

  1. Have a family of my own;
  2. Raise my kids with the loving help of my hubby;
  3. make a difference;
  4. pursue my dreams;
  5. live my life to the fullest in accordance to His Sovereign Will!

Photos courtesy of 

How about you?

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Ruby Tuesday: All Red!

tinatago ang taba?

The mighty woman behind us.
So red and I so love it! This is me with Arjay and Kenji... Wasn't it obvious that red last Sunday was the color of the day? lol!

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