Friday, December 16, 2016

Christmas Rush Hour

Few days left before Christmas yet I can't still make up my mind on what to buy for Christmas- not even for the upcoming Teachers' Christmas Party in our school this coming Tuesday. Indeed, I can already feel the Christmas Rush Hour.

But as for my son's School Christmas Party tomorrow, I'm a little bit prepared. All I need to do is to wrap the gifts for tomorrow. 

For the coming Noche Buena, we are used to a simple celebration, so I really don't have to bother on that.

How about you, are you ready for that gift-giving thing this Christmas? Let me know by sharing your experience.

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Monday, December 12, 2016

Get Ready to Drum Roll with the Right Drumstick

I do admire those girls who knows how to play a drum. It is one of my greatest frustrations actually. Since I do not know how to play, I just love seeing my hubby plays whenever he gets the chance to do it. I may know nothing about drums but I know how to detect good sound quality of a drum. It takes a good drumstick for a better drum rolls-this is a fact. No matter how good you are with drums yet doesn't have the perfect drumsticks just like john blackwell, then the kid of sound that the drum is producing isn't that good at all.

So, are you ready to play that drum this Christmas? Be sure to have the right drumsticks!

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Christmas Symbols Everywhere

I always have this "good feeling" every Christmas. Not because I am expecting for gifts from others, but simply because I can feel God's goodness in my life amidst adversities. The year 2016 is almost over and yet it feels like I have so many things yet that are left undone. Nevertheless, I can still manage to blog and do other "online things".

Well, actually, this year has been a good year to me. See, I gave birth to my youngest baby and I am so thankful to God for the life of my Baby Jermaine Ysabelle. She completed my family. There will be no other baby next to her because I just undergone Bilateral Tubal Ligation during the time I gave birth to her.

It is my prayer then that God will give me the capacity to give my children the life that they truly deserves. A kind of life that is so much better than mine.

Fingers crossed.

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Thursday, December 8, 2016

Finding the Right Temperature Control Unit that is Suitable for the Job

For many of the residents in the U.S., cold weather is rapidly settling in, with even colder temperatures not far on the horizon. Air conditioner use is now out for awhile; the heaters are starting to kick in, and will be the important temperature control measure for the next few months or so. 

Out in the world of industry (the construction and industrial fields being good examples), companies may need to enlist the services of portable heating and air conditioning systems in order to facilitate the successful completion of a project. When such situations arise, or there is an expectation that a portable temperature control system will be needed for any variety of different reasons, that's when the first task in the project begins. Finding the right temperature control unit that is suitable for the job.

Portable heater units will now be in high demand due to the cold outside temperatures. A good many projects in a wide variety of industries need warmer temperatures in their facilities, outbuildings, or on-site to complete these projects. The question then that presents itself is, where can I buy or rent a portable heater or temporary heater, and finding where to get such equipment, what unit is appropriate for my needs?

If you do a check on the internet for companies that provide portable heating systems, a good number will be found. A cautious eye must, however, be kept on such listings. Many companies may provide portable temperature control systems, but offer them as ancillary goods and services, a mere supplement to bigger business endeavors they ultimately focus their efforts on.

To get the very best selection of equipment, with expert professionals on staff that will be well-trained and experienced in the sales and operation of machinery specific to temperature control, a search should be performed for a company that specifically specializes in services in this area, and only this area. A company like All American Portable Air is a great example of one such company.

Experienced companies in this field won't just simply sell you equipment to complete an order. They will consult with you to address your specific needs, and make calculations on a number of variables within your facility. They then design a system specific to your unique air management needs.

Temperature control can be an integral mechanism in business. To ensure that your needs are satisfied, make sure you enlist the services of a company that makes it their business keeping customers warm, comfortable, and functional at all times when it's needed.

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BEGINNERS how to draw a person / pencil portrait: step by step - Alpha Art


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When to Be Concerned About Kidney Problems

Nearly every person has dealt with a bout of urinary tract or kidney infection. It is at times painful and irritating, but seldom life-threatening. What if there were something more sinister going on? Do you know how to recognize when there is a serious kidney problem? Below are a few signs and symptoms to watch out for.

Blood In the Urine

Seeing blood in the urine should always be cause for concern, although most of the time it is not anything too serious. It can be a sign of kidney stones or an infection. It should be bothersome enough to make an appointment with a urologist to rule out serious problems. It is one symptom of kidney cancer, which means you should never take it lightly.

Intense Pains Radiating Between the Upper Abdomen and Back

Intense or throbbing pain in the upper abdomen, either side can be a sign that something serious is going on with one or both of the kidneys. There are quite a few internal organs in the abdomen, but kidney pain is associated as a deeper abdominal pain that incorporates areas of the back. Any sharp pain, even intermittent should be investigated further.

Unusual Abdominal Swelling

Noticeable abdominal swelling can mean many things, but it is also a sign of kidney troubles if it is around the location of either organ. You will need a doctor to check it out by physical exam and perhaps do am MRI or CT scan. Having a more complete picture will help determine why there is swelling and if it involves the kidneys.

Family or Personal History of Cancer 

If you are a close family member has a history of cancer it is worth taking the time to have any kidney problems fully checked and diagnosed. The problem with kidney cancer is that it shows relatively few symptoms until later stages, which is then hard to fight. Listen to the subtle cues your body might be giving you and use your gut instinct on medical history.

See a Urologist for Peace of Mind

Stuart Zykorie, M.D.
When you are experiencing symptoms and things seem off it is best to make an appointment with a urologist in Houston TX. There may be nothing seriously wrong and it will give you and family members peace of mind. It is a small investment of time and resources that can save your life if there is an urgent medical problem.

Contact an experienced urologist like the one at spring medical associates and make an appointment today. Take the necessary time to find out if your symptoms are serious and get on the path to feeling better now!

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Wednesday, November 23, 2016

How To Draw A Female Face: Step By Step

Perfectly done!

Hope I could find enough time to do the things that I love- DRAWING!

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How to Draw People in a Landscape

I know it takes constant correct practice to make things perfect.


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Friday, November 11, 2016

Guide to the Best Places to Surf in the Philippines

If you’re the type of person who loves the beach and if you’re always up for some adventure, surfing just might be the best activity for you. The rising popularity of surfing in the Philippines may come as a pleasant surprise to some, who are more used to surfing in other countries such as Australia and Indonesia.

Note, though, that during peak season, it can be difficult to find good accommodations in these surfing destinations. It’s highly recommended that you book online in advance using hotel booking sites so that you can get the rooms you want. You may want to check websites such as Traveloka, who offers a lot of good deals so you can save on your accommodation expenses. Thousands of visitors flock to these places when the surf’s up, so a little planning will go a long way towards your full enjoyment of your surfing vacation.

That said, here are the must-go to places for surfing in the Philippines.

magpupungko pool
Photo by Aleah Taboclaon

Siargao: Surfing Capital of the Philippines

Siargao Island is perhaps the most well-known among the surfing destinations of the Philippines. Located in Surigao del Norte, it is popular for its strong, hollow waves. A specific area known as Cloud 9 is an international favorite. As such, this is where most international surfing competitions are held.

Regulars say that surf season really starts in August and extends all the way to March. However, it is still possible to catch some great waves during other months. If you’re just beginning to learn, though, you might want to catch some tamer waves in the Daco area. You can also enjoy the white sand beaches after a tiring session.

San Juan, La Union: Surf Capital of the North

If you come from Manila and want to ride some waves without going very far, your best bet would probably be San Juan in La Union. It is quite easy to get there by bus, although it is also possible to take a plane to San Fernando and then just get another ride to the San Juan area.

There are two surf seasons in La Union. The first one starts in July and lasts until October. A separate season starts in November and extends until March. The quality of waves is different for each season. The waves tend to be bigger during the second season.

You might want to familiarize yourself with the different surfing spots in the area to ride the kind of waves you prefer. They may not be as big and hollow as those in Siargao, but they are generally consistent and make for very enjoyable rides.

Baler, Quezon Province: The Birthplace of Philippine Surfing

Baler, the capital of Aurora in Quezon Province, boasts of some interesting surf spots. The season generally starts in October and ends in February, but it is also possible to catch some good waves during the rest of the year. It really depends on the weather. Since this area faces the Pacific Ocean, you can expect some really big waves from time to time.

It pays to know the difference of one surf spot from another. Sabang Beach is one of the best choices for beginners, but even experts can still find this spot quite enjoyable to surf in. Skilled surfers who love challenging waves will perhaps do well to opt for Cemento Reef, where the waves tend to be much bigger.

Surfing supposedly started here in Baler, when crew members of Francis Ford Coppola's Apocalypse Now left their surfboards behind after the movie was finished.

Borongan, Samar: A Lesser Known Surfing Paradise

Just like Baler, Samar’s waves are dependent on the Pacific Ocean. The surf season, however, starts in September. Since Samar is not as popular as other surfing spots in the Philippines, and since there are several surf spots to choose from, you can certainly enjoy the experience without the hassle of big crowds.

Borongan, which is down south, boasts of several well-known surfing areas. Many of these are for more

A country with 7,107 islands can never be at a loss for places to visit and adventures to embark on. For surfers and would-be surfers in particular, this presents huge potential for a truly world-class surfing experience. Pick any of these locations, and you’re sure to have the ride of your life.

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Don't Fix Stupid with Stupid!

Disclaimer: This post isn't mine. This is just a repost from a website,
This is an article written by Max Lucado

There is a way that seems right,
but its end is the way to death (Proverbs 14:12).
One may give into temptation with this set of thoughts: "No one will know. I won’t get caught. I’m only human..."
Don’t make matters worse by doing something you’ll regret!
Years ago, a friend gave me this counsel: “Make a list of all the lives you would impact through your sexual immorality.” I did. Every so often I re-read it.
  • Denalyn.
  • My three daughters.
  • My son-in-law.
  • My yet-to-be-born grandchildren.
  • Every person who’s ever read one of my books or heard my sermons.
  • My publishing team.
  • Our church staff.
The list reminds me: one act of carnality is a poor exchange for a lifetime of lost legacy.
You don’t fix a struggling marriage with an affair or a drug problem with more drugs. You don’t fix stupid with stupid. Do what pleases God.
Turbulent times will tempt you to forget Him. Shortcuts will lure you. Don’t be foolish and don’t be naïve. Do what pleases God. Nothing more, nothing less!
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.
Be not wise in your own eyes;
fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.
It will be healing to your flesh
and refreshment to your bones (Proverbs 3:5-8).

Yes, indeed.

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Sunday, November 6, 2016

Is Your Home Ready for the Holidays?

Resulta ng larawan para sa home for the holiday

With the holidays approaching, you may want to do some renovations to one or more rooms in your house. Somethings you might be able to do on your own; large complex projects will require the help of specialized services. Since you do not have a lot of time, you may need a way to get contractors fast who will do the work in a professional manner. 

You might begin with scouring magazines for ideas on getting your home ready for the holidays. With some exciting examples of creating a festive occasion, you realize a few of those ideas require home improvement projects. Some are DIY; others require work by a professional. Perhaps you need more space for extended family members coming from out of town. Now is a good time to begin working with a contractor. The long to-do list that has more additions than completions can be tackled in a few weeks' time with the pros. After delaying home projects because of work and family obligations, are ready to follow through on your plans – and add the new ideas you collected for upcoming special occasions. As long as the projects will not require more work than the time you have to finish, family and friends will be thoroughly impressed with the new look. Even if you want to add more outdoor living space to entertain, a skilled professional contractor can get this done in record time. 

Things to Keep in Mind for the Kitchen

The kitchen is probably the most used room in any house. Especially during the holidays, family and friends will gather to enjoy good times and good food. 

Some things to consider include:

Space – open space that is large enough to accommodate family members and guests, as well as enough room to cook and prepare meals

Lighting – a bright and well-lit kitchen will help to set an inviting atmosphere

Countertops and cabinetry – as two of the most important items in the kitchen, you want both to be a perfect match. Color schemes, size, shape and design are important to being appealing to the eye

Backsplash – carefully select a pattern and material that is the perfect match to the style of your kitchen. Professional design help makes this much easier

Don't Hesitate to Ask for Professional Help If you feel overwhelmed by the length of your to-do list, and the amount of time to complete everything, find a contractor that you can trust. Your home is an investment. The enjoyment of the holidays for your family and friends is also an investment. Whether you need additional space or renovations to existing space, an experienced contractor that you trust can handle it. Get an estimate, let them begin the work and you can continue with other preparations for a festive time.

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There's No Condemnation with Jesus

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Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Call an Emergency Plumber When a Water Pipe Breaks

from Google images
Every homeowner must have a plumbing repair occasionally, and it is a good idea to contact a professional plumber rather than attempting to fix a broken water pipe or clogged toilet on your own. The plumbers Baltimore residents need work for local companies that only hire licensed tradesmen. One of the most common plumbing problems in a home is a ruptured water pipe that occurs as the temperature begins to drop in the autumn. This is an emergency repair because the water that leaks from the pipe can damage walls, floors and ceilings. 

Have Difficult Clogs Removed from a Home’s Toilets or Sinks

An additional plumbing problem that requires an emergency service call is when a toilet or sink has a difficult clog. When a homeowner is not able to shift the debris from the drain, a plumber can pour enzymatic cleansers into a drain to dissolve tough debris such as frozen toilet tissue or hair before using a plumber’s snake to move the remaining debris. This process requires only a few minutes, but with a professional plumber, the clog is removed without damaging a sink or toilet. 

A Plumber Can Clean Drains and Grease Traps

If a homeowner notices that the bathtubs or sinks in a home’s kitchen or the bathrooms are emptying slowly, then it is essential to have the drains cleaned. The drains underneath sinks and bathtubs can fill with debris such as food particles and hair that will collect on the interior surfaces of the pipes. Eventually, a dense clog will form that water will not flow through, leading to bathroom and kitchen fixtures that are filled with dirty water. A plumber can use drain-cleaning devices such as rooter brushes to push away the debris. 

Plumbers Are Able to Repair Sewer Lines

When a sewer line on a property is defective, a homeowner will notice standing water or a foul odor from waste. A plumber can drop a camera into a sewer line to determine where the clog is along with any damage such as holes and cracks. To remove the clog, a plumber will blast strong streams of water into the sewer line for several minutes to dislodge tree roots, garbage and hair. After the clog washes away, the plumbing team can insert flexible pipes into the lines to repair the sewer system. 

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My Son's Favorite Past time

My son belongs to the digital era. He loves to play on cellphone or tablets and even on our laptops. Just imagine how a 3-year old boy gets to memorize my alphanumeric password so he could have an access to my laptop. We are partly to be blamed of his "addiction" to gadgets because he was already exposed to it as early as his first year because that was used to be his pacifier when he was on tantrums before.

We were actually quite alarmed of his exposure to gadgets that is why we limit his usage now. Since he is the type who is very hyper, his father bought him a blocks for him to play on. We are also glad because he really loves playing blocks. In fact, that was what he usually watched on YouTube- Lego creations.
Favorite past time at home 

Favorite activity in school

Right now, he has limited time for movies, gadgets, and more time for physical activities. For Moms out there, be resourceful in providing your kids with something that will keep them busy- not with gadgets but with toys that will enhance their creativity.

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Suggestions for Dealing with Mosquito Infestations

For many people, dealing with mosquitoes is something that is just slightly annoying. They will be around in the evening when an individual would like to sit out on their porch and enjoy the sunset. They buzz around their head and cause annoyance. For other people, dealing with mosquitoes is something that is really scary. Mosquitoes transmit very serious diseases that can leave people ill for weeks or even months. Unfortunately, some mosquito illnesses have actually killed people. No matter if you are trying to get rid of mosquitoes because they are annoying or because you are worried about mosquito borne illnesses, there are a variety of mosquito control products as well as techniques that can be used to get rid of them.

The first place that you want to control mosquitoes is inside your home. This means that you are going to stake steps to make sure that mosquitoes cannot enter your home. This requires putting screens on windows and doors. You may want to purchase a bug zapper that will allow you to kill any mosquitoes that accidentally enter your home. There are certain things that you can do to make sure that your home is not a mosquito target. Make sure there is no standing water around your home where they can breed. Try to keep grass, shrubs, and trees cut back so they do not have a good hiding place. They prefer shade and areas that are not well ventilated since they cannot fly well.

When you are outdoors or in a situation where you cannot control the environment, wear long sleeve shirts and long pants. You want to wear clothing that is a light color. Use mosquito repellent. Take special care when protecting your children from mosquitoes. Also, it is important for you to realize that mosquitoes can bite your pets.

If you live in an area where mosquito borne illnesses are common, make sure that you know the early signs of disease. This will allow you to take even more precautions when your family members, friends, or neighbors begin to show symptoms of disease. Normally, mosquito borne illnesses start out with a headache, fever, and rash. Learn all that you can about mosquitoes, their breeding patterns, and the diseases they transmit. The more knowledge you have, the more prepared you will be to protect yourself and your family.

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Saturday, September 10, 2016

Clearing Away The Pests

beeThe last thing that you want to see in the home is a string of ants or a nest of bees lurking on the porch. A Naples exterminator can get rid of your pest problem in a short time. It's important not to get around any pests that are dangerous, such as wasps or large animals that roam outside. The animals could pose a healthy risk if you are bitten. 

When you use products that you get at the store, you might use too many at a time. These can be detrimental to your health and the health of other family members. An exterminator will use just the right amount of pesticides to kill the pests that are in and around the home. Most exterminators use products that are safe for the family and the environment. 

After the exterminator kills the pests in the home, you will see that there are fewer illnesses as there are some insects that can bite you while you're sleeping or while you're sitting in a chair or on a couch, such as fleas and bedbugs. You won't spend as much time cleaning up after dead pests in the home. You might see a few dead bugs on the floor after the exterminator is finished, but once the pests are out of the home, then you will see that you aren't sweeping behind the refrigerator or under cabinets. 

At times, you might feel like there are bugs crawling on you while you're in bed. It could be your imagination, but it could also be that there are small bugs crawling on the skin at night. An exterminator can help relieve these feelings so that you feel better at night. This will also give you more time to spend with the family since you aren't losing sleep at night and since you aren't as worried about the bugs that you find in the home. You will save money that is spent on products that you get in the store that might not even work like the professional products that an exterminator uses when he comes to the home.

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Dr. P Endorser

In loving memory of my dearly departed Tatay. It's been four years now. How are you up there?

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Thursday, September 1, 2016

What It Takes To Be A Super Mom

Sad to say, I cannot qualify myself as Super Mom. I have so many shortcomings. With three kids at home, my time is not enough to attend to all their needs. I haven't able to attend to my son's school activities. Last activity that they have was the culmination for Buwan ng Wika. I was still on maternity leave by that time. However, it happened during the vaccination schedule of my youngest daughter and she was really in pain at that time that I just cannot leave her like that. My husband was also busy during that time and all he could do is to fetch our son to school. While his classmates was with their parents, my son was all alone.

That tallest boy on the group is my 4-year old son

Sad life.

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Friday, August 26, 2016

Living a Comfortable Life is Now Affordable with Groupon Goods

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are 100% mine

Are you having this kind of bed at home? If that so, your bedroom is such a heavenly place and for sure you wouldn't want to go somewhere else to rest. However, with the crises we are facing in our economy, living comfortably comes with a price.

Good thing there is Groupon Goods available that will provide us comfort for less. In fact, we can achieve that look of a perfect bed with its accessories for only $69.99 (the original value is $309.99), just make sure you will avail it before their promo expires. Other than bed accessories, Groupon has a lot of discounted goods and services to offer. Indeed, Groupon allows you to live comfortably without emptying your pocket. They never run out of things to offer and you can be assured of their legitimacy.

After giving birth to my daughter last month, I was quite worried about the future. I was asking myself if I could afford to give my three kids a comfortable life that they deserve. Well, of course, I should be positive that I can. With the help of my husband, enough patience and perseverance in our work, and being practical plus wisdom and guidance coming from God- I should be calm about the future.

And what's more? There's Groupon that would back me up. For updates of their latest offers, check their facebook page and follow them on Twitter

#Groupon #ad

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