Friday, December 10, 2010

The Value of Cheap Venetian Blinds

Roller Venetian Blind
Since we moved our office to a new location, we do not have any problems with flood anymore. We are no longer intimidated with heavy downpour. In other words, we are now confident to stay long in the office whenever there is a heavy rain. The only slight problem that we encountered right now is the sunlight that was emitted by the windows. Since the windows are facing East, we cannot avoid the glaring sunlight. We temporarily use water cellophane but did not solve the problem. So I suggested to my Boss for a Cheap venetian blinds to really solve the problem.

Cheap venetian blinds can be availed in most department stores at the house ware section. Venetian blinds are common in most offices. Aside from the protection that it could give from the glaring sunlight, it is also use as part of the interior decoration. In our school, we use venetian blinds for our glass walls. Since the front part of the office is built out of glass, a venetian blind was installed to have privacy from the outsider. Venetian blinds are more appropriate to use than curtains. It is also more convenient to use with its easy control.
Our purchase request for venetian blind is still on process; meanwhile, we extend our patience to the temporary cellophane. At least we are slightly protected from the direct heat of the sun.

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