While drafting this blog this afternoon, one word sprout into my mind: FAITH... the commonly used word in the bible... the usual word uttered by the hopeful Godly people... but quite misunderstood by some...For me, faith is such a powerful word,this is what holds me still right now... Because of faith I was able to stand firm in times of adversity... it is by faith that I still hold on to my dreams... it is through faith that I cling on when I felt like giving up... Even if I am quite tired of hoping...pondering...waiting...I must go on because I have this faith on HIM!Somehow I am very thankful to Him that despite my weaknesses, my shortcomings-I can still feel His loving kindness... Maybe I need to have a paradigm shift the way I think... Being positive even if the actual things that happened around me are negative... After all: Thy will be done!
4 comments/reactions:
Hmmm... Kasabot ko imong guibati jack...
Congrats! You made it..
May God sweetly bless you.
This truly is a powerful post and truth about faith. It is our FAITH that is our hope.
Awesome. Wonderful post.
See you again on Thursday for another chance to praise our Lord. Hugs, Lynn
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God bless