Yes indeed! It's not enough to feel it, we must do something to justify that compassion we have for OTHERS... I was really very thankful of the message God brought to us through our Elder on our church last night during our mid-week fellowship. The given account on the bible was about the Good Samaritan. It's another reminder for us that sometimes in our lives we could be like the man lying helplessly on the streets being robbed, wounded and almost dying. We might have experienced the lowliest moment in our lives where nobody else seems to care about us. Unexpectedly, God uses people whom we least expected. Just like the Good Samaritan who shows real compassion to his "enemy" (being a non-Jewish). Real friends can only be known in time of adversities in our lives. People whom we expect to uplift us might be the same people who will abandon us when we need them the most (just like the priest and Levites on the parable). Let's stop living in hypocrisy... Compassion... it's not just a mere feelings... It's something that needs to be act upon.

Head to Laurie for more of the Thankful Thursday posts.

Head to Laurie for more of the Thankful Thursday posts.
5 comments/reactions:
Blessings to you this day!
link this also to sonya's thankful thursday.. see my post at lower portion.
I couldn't agree more. AMEN to this. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Debbie
Amen! Many blessings to you!
Well said.
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God bless