Monday, April 11, 2011

Racing Against Time

Time indeed is so precious that every tick of the clock should be maximized as much as possible. Experience taught me to value time especially now that the time is approaching and yet there are still lots of things to do. I am kinda stress right now that it is very evident on my face with breakouts and dark eye circles (sigh).

We are now racing against time, literally. With lots of pending task to do prior to the Big Day, getting pressured and being stressed are inevitable. I even came to the point of freaking out. Plus other concerns aside from the preparations, all these things are slowly consuming me. I wonder how would it feel the day after the Big Day. Well, I should be happier then with nothing else to worry about. All these shall come to pass. I should think positively or else... As for now, I should learn how to combat stress.

Anyway, if you happen to read this, please include me, I mean us, in your prayers.  
Thanks ☺

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