Sunday, September 9, 2012

BPC 253/366: My Wonderful Gift

Last year, I was praying for a healthy baby as my birthday gift and indeed it was granted to me by God. For my 31st birthday today, I want a better future for my baby- may God grant it to me as well. Yes, I am now 31 (I just can't believe it I am way beyond the calendar days right now- LOL). I've been through a lot (as always been) but by His grace I was able to survive (of course with the help of my hubby). 
Jeush Gregory @ 7 months
When you became a Mom, your priorities changed. It is no longer me who is the center of attention, my son took THE CROWN from me. How I love him so much. now that he is getting bigger and he could already respond well every time you cuddled him, the feeling of joy was immeasurable. I might have sleepless nights but it doesn't matter to me anymore as long as it is for my baby I am very much willing to do anything for him. He is God's wonderful gift to me and I will always cherish him for the rest of my life. :)

Linking for Blog photo Challenge.

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5 comments/reactions:

Jessica said...

Happy birthday Momi Jackie...Jeush indeed! is growing so fast and before you know it he will walk, run and talk :-) Dropping by from BPC.

emz said...

Happy Bday sis Jackie! bata pa ka oi.. ako gani mag 34 na. =D

from BPC

Chie Wilks said...

Belated Happy Birthday Jackie! May you wishes come true...well for sure it will be as there is no impossible in Him.

BPC hop here
Chie of A Wife Online

""rarejonRez"" said...

Happy birthday sis! A son is a precious gift! Yours is just as wonderful!

BPC hop!

Bless said...

Belated happy birthday and may all your wish be granted.

Late BPC hopping!

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God bless

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