Saturday, September 8, 2012

How To Drive With Confidence

The most common cause of road accidents is reckless driving. That is why those who are not familiar with the traffic rules and road signs should not be allowed to drive. However, it cannot be denied that there are lots of drivers out there who just learn the basic but not totally equipped when it comes to safe driving. Every car owner/driver should consider the fact that when they drive life is at stake- it could be his own life and the lives of those who are on-board.

How to address this problem then? All individuals either owner or just simply driver should undergo proper driving training or should be enrolled in a  driving course before they will be given a license to drive. It is not enough to acquire knowledge (which is basic only) through informal training. There should be a strict compliance about this matter. If you really want to ensure safety for you and your family while traveling, get a formal training from a certified driving school Scarborough. Make sure that you will learn the basic training and safety measures from highly qualified and highly equipped trainers or driving instructors who will be patient enough to guide you on your endeavors behind wheels. Don't worry about the price that you might be spending. The money that you are going to spend is nothing compared to the safety and skills that you will get in return. Trust that those driving instructors will really teach you every details because that is their forte. They are also after of your safety. Do not limit yourself in learning the lessons that you ought to know before getting that driver's license. Always give safety with utmost priority. If you will enroll in driving schools Scarborough, make sure that such school is of known reputation and expertise when it comes to driving courses. Learn the ABC's of driving: Always Be Careful. 

Drive with confidence, take a driving course before taking the road to safety driving.


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Friday, September 7, 2012

I Want To Get Rich!

Yes it is true and I want it so bad!

Too ambitious thinking for a part-time teacher like me. But I am serious, I really want to get rich. But this desire is not out of selfish interest, it is for my son, and for his brighter future... and for the security of my own family as well. I also want to help my family ( my parents, siblings and nieces and nephew). I want to share my blessing whenever I get rich.

That is why I signed up with AMWAY Philippines because I believe in their promises. I knew I am in the right track because I am with the right vehicle. I want to run a business of my own, a business which would give me an assurance of peace of mind and stress-free life.

I am fed up with the kind of life wherein you are scared of what tomorrow will bring. I don't want to stay up late at night just because I am bothered with the thought of living a day with an empty stomach. This is the kind of life that I dreaded the most. I don't want to wake up one day with no food to serve on the table, I do not want to wake up one day being scared to death because I do not have money to go to a doctor when any of my family get ill- God forbid!

May God bless all my endeavor. 

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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

WFW: Give To Your Heart's Content

Are you struggling in the area of giving? Me? Yes. But I was trying harder to be faithful on this area. Honestly, I am a good giver as long as I have something enough to give. I do not hesitate to give if that will give joy to my recipient. Because it feels good when someone is happy because you shared. However, when there's nothing left in me, how can I give? We cannot give what we do not have! I cannot give what I do not have! I oftentimes asked God to bless me abundantly so I could bless others as well. But there are just some things that I do not understand. Well, maybe God wants me to learn something and whatever is that, I still have to deal with it.

But again, I still firmly believe that God loves a cheerful giver- those who gave without hesitations and with full of joy. He knows our anxieties and the reason every time we cannot give. Our God is an all-knowing God. Nothing is hidden from Him. I love the prayer of Jabez so much. His boldness before God is contagious, I often pray the same prayer before God 

"Bless me so I could bless others..."

How about you? Do we share the same thoughts? Care to let me know about it and how do you deal with it?

May God bless us all with His richness beyond measures. Amen

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Saturday, September 1, 2012

Yay! It's September!

I wanna start this month with happy thoughts and positive outlook in life... And why not? Feelings greatly affect much of our daily endeavors...

Well, I am having a good vibes that everything will fall into its right places by God's grace. While at work this morning, my hubby informed me that he needs to report to work! Wow, what a good news. They were having a two-week off from work for some renovation. They were supposed to resume on the 9th of  September (my birthday! OM!)

There's new business venture that I would like to try. I was invited by my sister-in-law to join with Amway Company. The goal is to earn through passive income. The compensation and return of investment are indeed very good. I got the chance to meet great people of different walks of life. The products was all about wellness. Their product line are indeed reliable and can really be trusted. Currently I am taking Nutrilite B Complex to ease the pain on my finger joints. I tell you, it was indeed so effective. I took it last night and I can really tell the difference with how I feel the very moment I woke up this morning. Their product lines are indeed great.

Amway Philippines - Official Amway Philippines Site at Amway Philippines is part of the Amway Global Community, the official Philippines Affiliate of Amway, the global leader in multilevel marketing.  Visit Amway Philippines at has been operating here in the Philippines for such a longer period of time and there's no doubt on their integrity. I never have a second thought in taking part of this kind of business. All I need now is a small capital for the registration. I just hope I could have more writing opportunities this month. I can't wait to join with the team. If you are interested with Amway and their compensation scheme,do not hesitate to visit their branch near you. A very accommodating mentor will do the pleasure of answering your queries. Or if you are from CDO, do not hesitate to contact me. Just leave a comment below :)

AmWay to go!


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Friday, August 31, 2012

New Year Is About To Unfold...

August month is about to end and tomorrow's gonna be a new day AND I am anticipating for another year to be added in my life by the 9th day. (Thank you Lord). 

So, what's gonna be in store for me for my 31st year? Well, only God knows. Despite of my pessimistic attitude, I would like to keep on believing that God isn't finished with me yet. He is still on the process of molding my future as well as his life-long plan for me. I am expectant of God's abundant blessings for me. I know He blessed me with such a wonderful baby boy and I knew that along with His plan for me is His plan for my baby and for my family. Yes Lord thank you!

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Palabra de Honor...

If there's one attitude of a person that I hated the most, it is being unfaithful of his words or promises. Those person who do not know how to stand by their words. I do not know if they have any idea what possible stress would they cause to us being the affected one. 

Let me share you a story.

I am a business-oriented person. I love doing business especially if I could also benefit from it. I am into direct selling with famous products from Avon, Tupperware and Red Logo. I love mingling with people that is why I really do not find it difficult to attract customers. I love with how my business was going on. I could make use of the money in times of urgency and pay for it with my salary just before the due time. 

Then here comes the dilemma. I don't want overdue accounts. However, I just cannot forced those people with unpaid accounts to pay. Some gave promises but wasn't able to fulfill it which could really give me stress. Better for them not to promise at all... Sigh!

Where's that palabra de honor huh? Maybe it's high time for me to stop the business to avoid the same thing to happen again.

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