I have been into blogging for almost a year. At first I am so engrossed with blogging that it became a part of me... Months passed by and the demands of my work is increasing thus I need to lie low in blogging. Then
Ate Grace encouraged me to pursue blogging so that soon I can monetize it.So I did and have myself registered to multiple websites that offers opportunities, and one of them is socialspark.com. It took me for awhile for my blog to be approvd by their management... But it's worth the wait.. I am now enjoying writing through the opportunities their advertiser allowed me to take. From $5 to $7.50 and the latest was $30! What encouraged me most to write about this was the fact that my post was chosen as BEST POST TO DATE... Well I know that many best post are still coming but at least I made it there! The opportunity was sponsored by the
Syndacast company. Of course the least thing that I can do in return to this best opportunity (so far) is to post my comment of gratitude....
iLove it!
Oh by the way, you might be wondering why I have this post titled as
Confidence its because, at first I was really hesitant to pursue this post with apprehensions that I may not be qualified or worst be rejected... Thank God He gave me the confidence that I need...
2 comments/reactions:
hi jackie, congrats on your post being chosen by the advertiser as the best for PPP.
anyway, i agree when you said in your TCP entry that love is lovelier that second time around. i had an almost similar experience.
my apologies if i left my comment here. i can't seem to post a comment in your My Significant Other blog. please check out why.
btw, our theme for next week: For the LOVE of kids/children. till then, take care and happy tcp.
p.s. sali ka sa giveaway ko ha? uu might win a dvd of ur choice. hugs!
Be sweetly blessed.
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God bless