I cannot contain my emotion yesterday when I read degrading comments on fb of the ex-gf of my colleague against my board mate/room mate/colleague and close friend rolled into one (complicated huh?). Personally, I am sensitive/reactive type of person. I do not want any of my friends to be treated that way. Jealousy or rather insecurity was the main reason why the said ex-gf posted nasty comments on the wall. But she never admitted as being insecure to my friend (in contradict to what she had posted on the wall). With all those comments and reactions, I considered her so pathetic. She's gone beyond professionalism with what she did. What a mortal sin it is to look down on someone. Nobody has the right to do so. All of us must remember that we are not all perfect therefore we have no right to degrade any person for any reason.

1 comments/reactions:
that really was PATHETIC. but sometimes, people stoop down if only doing so would lessen the bitterness they feel. what a pity..
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