When I was still new in the blogosphere, I browsed every possible opportunities that will help me in promoting my blog then I stumbled upon the entrecard.com. At first, I am quite doubtful if this site could really help me but still I signed up. To my amazement, I earned credits through my fellow bloggers who will drop on my entrecard widget. Through this also, I befriended and followed most of them by dropping back on their entrecard widget. Recently, entrecard.com launched a contest with a very easy mechanics. All you have to do is just simply post a review about entrecard which will earn you an amazing 5,000 credits! Really very simple! Just like what I did right now! Everybody has the chance to earn the credits. So what are you waiting for, start writing now!
For more info please visit http://entrecard.com/blog/?p=1593
513 credits in your account | 4 credits to advertise on your blog | -/- |
10/12 cards you dropped today/all | 0/28 cards dropped on you today/all | 12 credits earned via drops |
0/0 clicks via ads you placed | 0/0 clicks from your blog to others | 0/11 clicks from entrecard.com to you |
2 ads you bought | 218 ads bought from you | 0 currently running ads |

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