Tuesday, April 24, 2012

#114/366 BPC: The Angry Bird and the Angry Baby

heart to heart talk with Angry Bird
This is the result of their discussion LOL!
Meet my baby's new buddy, it's Angry Bird! I am linking this post for Blog Photo Challenge hosted by The Blogger's Notes

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6 comments/reactions:

Jessica said...

awww! what a cutie he is Momi Jackie :-) love the 1st pix :-) Dropping by from BPC


Chie Wilks said...

aw, both of them are cute. it looks like they were fighting in the first photo and then just decided to just pose for the camera after

late visit from BPC

PL said...

hi baby, hi angry bird! hehehe... don't get always angry... no pouting pls.. hehehe.. bpc hop here.
here's mine:

""rarejonRez"" said...

Cutie baby! I bet he will grow to be a lover of angry bird, too? :D

BPC hop!

Emzkie said...

hehehe so cute!


Unknown said...

hello baby, hi angry bird..cute.. love that 1st photo..heeh bpc blog hop here.


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