Hubby and I just celebrated our 3rd Anniversary and I am so glad that we were able to get through the first three years of adjustment period. Since it was our anniversary, I made our wedding picture as profile pic on my FB wall and guess what? I can still vividly remember how I felt that day.
Wedding preparation was never that easy. We do not have a wedding organizer that time so it was just the two of us who do and plan all the things that needs to be done. We were both glad then that one of our church mates gave us a checklist on what to buy and what to prepare thus we are guided all throughout. One of the things that really took our time, aside from deciding about the entourage is finding the best wedding band. We found a wedding band from a local store. We both decided to spend more on it considering that it symbolizes our unity as couple.

1 comments/reactions:
it's need engagement rings
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