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How likable are you as a Professional? |
When we talk about professionalism it is way far
beyond what is defined in the dictionary. Most people thought that only those
who were able to earn a degree deserve to be called “professionals”. But I beg
to disagree. Yes, they might be called “professionals” but not all of them
practice the real value of professionalism.
Real professionalism does not start from the
appreciation of oneself. It does not focus on how we value ourselves but rather
it focuses on how we value others. When we give premium concern for other’s
feelings, it is already good as giving value of our very own self. There are so
called “professional” individuals who have short knowledge about
professionalism. We can mostly find them in the corporate world or even in the
academe. They are those who do not accept suggestion from those who are in
lower position. They regarded their suggestion as rubbish. For them, taking a
suggestion from their subordinates is just like insulting their capabilities- a
big slap on their face. These are the kinds of people whose ego reaches to the
highest peak. It is also disheartening to think that people whom you have expected
the most to treat any individual fairly are the people who will tell you
directly that they are more knowledgeable than you thus you have no right to
tell them on what to do. I just couldn’t understand why they are so bitter in
accepting one’s suggestion even if it means more advantages on their part. Well,
we can blame it on their egocentric personality that could possibly be
dominating on them.
So, how should we define “professionalism”? For
me, it is beyond the degree that we earned from burning the midnight candle. It
is all about establishing good relationship to people in all walks of life whom
we dealt with everyday. It is a simple gesture of politeness and respect not
only with those who are above us but most especially those who are under our
responsibility. However, if value is not injected in all academic curriculum,
what else could we expect but bright minds yet with filthy behavior. But the
value that I am trying to emphasize here is just reinforcement to the value
that was taught in every home. Yes, parents play a vital role in instilling to
their children the significance of right attitude. Teachers will just do the
reinforcement. Correct values will manifest in the way the individual talks and
acts. Professionalism does not attain only after graduation. It is attained
when we are still young and we were taught when to say YES and when to say NO.
Let us assess ourselves right now: Are we living professionally?

27 comments/reactions:
That is very true. It is just sad to swallow all these sad facts in the workplace, with people acting who knows professionalism. And how the hell they called themselves professionals in the first place? Ugh! so sick to think of.
Great post! Cheers!
I would like to think so considering that I am so immersed in my work that I even bring some home should the need arises. I also don't complain even if we have to go home very late (as in early the next morning). I volunteer my services if they are needed and try to work well with co-workers. So yeah, I think I am living professionally.
I do hope that one day more people will learn how to think outside of the box, that unconventionalism will no longer be considered a novelty, and that learning should not be gauged on what family, school, university or company you came from . When a person starts to give back on what he have learned, not because one plans to run for politics but because of that burning desire to make a difference, then I believe, professionalism had reached to a different level.
Unfortunately words and their meanings are lost to everyday conversations. People use them without really know what they mean. I bet if they do then they'll be able to correct their own behaviour. Which is why I always say that there is a hidden power in words.
This is a good post. Something to ponder! :)
I agree, it's more about how you value others. Professionalism for me revolves around respect.
Respect for other people's time, for other people's contributions, etc. I'd like to think that if you respect yourself and the people around, you will act more or less professionally.
That's true, it's not being bright that's matters, but the values that you have had.
good post. you are so right and i think professionalism has a lot of meaning
Great post you got here. Unfortunately, my boss is one of those people who doesn't know the true meaning of the word .. tsk he earned a lot of degrees in his college years but still his ethics and professionalism is nowhere to be found.
Sorry for the rant but I got carried away with this one.
I have to agree with you. Professionalism is beyond any degree earned, but a simple gesture of politeness and respect. I think it is tragic that some people fail to show respect, especially when they're already on top. I agree that this is something to ponder.
Now that's what you call, a good post. Before I used to think that Professionalism can only be found in work. But as I grow older and wiser (I think... lol), I realized that professionalism can be found within us. Sometimes pa nga, there are educated ones na hindi professional diba? :)
Great way to define professionalism! I like it. And I hate unprofessional people.
Lizzie of Make More Money Online
I agree with you! Well written and I must say that professionalism must start in respecting ones time also.
Professionalism is something very important for everyone. I am a student and I believed I have grown professionally.
Great post! Professionalism - I hope everyone has it.
love the post. I do know of many people with so and so degree but are unprofessional. Professionalism is a very misused word. I'd like to think I do try to be professional in everything I do especially in my profession. Professionalism is much similar to education. Not all people with college degree are educated - you know ;-)
Spanish Pinay
I always encounter the same people at work who call themselves professionals but actually they are not, because aside from they don't take suggestions from subordinates, we also have supervisor who like to pin down their subordinates too.. yacks!
I couldn't agree more. A man's character is defined by how he looks and respect others. Then I call that professionalism.
Well on some degree I agree with the thoughts about the definition of professionalism that valuing and respecting other people's opinion is a professional act. In adding to this thoughts, Professionalism is different from the virtues that we have practiced within us. Respecting and valuing others opinion is in line with the virtues that we have practiced. Without virtues, whoever you are, professional or not, you can't appreciate what is the definition of RESPECT and VALUES. :-). Establish virtues first. BTW, this is a good post.
Everything here is true.. Some of those people who claimed that they're professionals, who are educated, who have great minds and mature are the ones failing to consider the way they "act" and "talk". I hope professionals would not being clouded by the degree or position they got.. Let's evaluate our behavior hmm..
True. Professionalism shouldn't just stop inside the four walls of our offices.
i guess sometimes, we forget that there is always a boundary of professionalism. It is not how rich we are, or what we have finished. Hope you can also join our green monday at mygreenlivingideas.com
thanks much.
So true, For me I believe that attitude counts more, even your so bright when you don't have the attitude naman its useless..just like professionalism!
Nice post! Professionalism I think is a good ethics that we didn’t realize we happen to encounter everyday of our life. And I have to agree with your perspective! Professionalism is how you carry yourself it is beyond the education or credentials you achieve but how people know you as a respectable person and all.
Professionalism is definitely how we conduct ourselves in the workplace, and not just about having degrees and licenses. It's about our work ethics and how we treat and value the people we work with. Many times we mistake being professional to being stiff and strict, but that's not necessarily true either.
I agree completely. Being professional is more than just a degree or even our "profession". It's a way of treating people and our community.
this is a nice post. applicable to those people who do not practice and doesn't know the meaning of Professionalism! They should read your blog :)
great post about professionalism.
professionalism should not be confined in the corporate world, it should also be practiced anywhere.
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