The Stylish Blogger Award continues as Joahna of What's Inside Joahna's Heart gave it to me. First was yesterday from Ate Grace of Gracia Fashionista. I was indeed flattered that finally my blog was noticed by some respectable bloggers. Not only that, I got a comment from The Story Teller Kim who justified that I deserve for such award.
Yesterday, I shared 7 things about me, as one of the rules in having this award, I made to mention that I still have a lot of things to say about myself. I guess, this is the chance that I will tell more about myself, specifically, the 7 things that I disliked the most... (I refrain from using the word "hate" anymore. I might offended somebody)
7 Things I Disliked The Most
- I dislike people who smoke. They don't care about themselves.
- I dislike (hate is the right word, I guess) unfaithful partner, it reminds me of somebody supposedly close to me.
- I dislike the taste of durian fruit (sorry DavaoeƱos).
- I dislike rap music as well as heavy metal.
- I dislike people who will just use you for their own good/benefit and forget about you when they already achieved everything they want out of using you.
- I dislike Calculus subject. (I never took this when I was in College ;)
- I dislike pretentious, unreal, insensitive and over-confident people.
But of course, I respect the opinion of others who feel the contrary of what I disliked the most. We are unique and different in so many ways. Peace....
And now, I will pass on this award to Kikamz of Just About Anything, Iris of Grace Alone and Wanda of The Watered Soul.
These women are indeed not only a stylish blogger but a good epitome of grace, faith and inspiration.

3 comments/reactions:
Jackie, thank you so much. I'm surprised and truly honored. And congrats to you on receiving the award. Blessings
@ Wanda: You truly deserve it Ma'am! I am really blessed with your blog and I am so glad to follow you. Thanks for the prayer.. Continue to bless others always.
thanks for mentioning me on your post. keep it up, girl! more power..
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