Time flew so fast that today is still January and the next time you wake up you'll be surprised that it is already the month of February...
What else can I say? I am a little bit pressured with how the time runs. It is as if each day that I spent comes short and the things to be done are still piling up.
One questions suddenly pop up into my mind: Am I ready to take off to the next level of maturity? My mind and emotions are battling once again. Deep sigh cannot solve it nor absorbing much of my thoughts on it. As the moment of truth approaches my heart is throbbing with fear and perhaps confusion... Can I really make it? Of course with the absence of God, I really can't. But judging to how I felt, I am a little bit apprehensive and doubtful...
I imagined myself running away to nowhere. I know I should take that leap of faith but I am not sure if I still have the courage to do so.
The feeling of fear envelopes me once again. What if I made the wrong decision? I do not know how to overcome my pessimistic attitude.
Though I entrusted everything to God, my human nature overwhelms me that much.
Can somebody please pray for me? Don't ask me on what to pray for, just pray on whatever God will dictate to you or impress into your heart...

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