Thursday, February 3, 2011

GT: Stupid L♥ve?

If I will be asked what is the most stupid things I've done in the name of l♥ve, well, can I just keep it to myself? Instead, allow me to share with you the story of a friend of mine who can truly relate of the thing they called as "Stupid Love".

Let's call her Nicole (not her real name to protect her privacy). She's pretty, slim but somehow she's so vulnerable. She easily falls for whoever shows interest on her. She often falls for the guy who is already into a relationship. I knew it all because she never hesitated to share everything to me. There was this guy who lets her fall for him even if he was already engaged. Call it stupid love, my friend gave in in spite of my opposition. Yes, she allows herself to be just the other girlfriend of this guy. I knew the guy because we were friend (were?). Their relationship were already known among her circle of friends (including me, of course) until such news reached to the real girlfriend. Without hesitation, the real girlfriend confronted her telling her to avoid her boyfriend because they are about to get married. Helpless as she was, she considered it as the most painful experience of her life. Why? because she was so in love with the guy. She tried to forget the guy by entertaining suitors and more suitors until she falls again for  another guy. Unluckily, this guy was more than naughty that he impregnated her and left her. She gave birth out of wedlock. I don't really call it stupidity. She was just became a victim of false promises... She admitted she was too stupid to believe the guy. Good thing now that she finally found somebody who is more than willing to love her and accept her regardless of what she went through from the past.

Girls Talk
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7 comments/reactions:

Kero said...

Thank you for sharing. Readers will learn a lot from the story..

There are heartless creatures like your friend's ex-bf...kaya nga it is always up to us women if we allow the male specie to treat us like door mats.

Happy GT! hope you can visit my entry here

Anonymous said...

Whew..this is a sad story. well, it happened. and it's a lesson well learned. If something starts out wrongly, most of the time, it ends out wrong too. But at least she learned something and she received a wonderful blessing..

Edsie said...

i feel for your friend.. but she's still lucky to find someone who accepted her and her past..

Followed you in GFC. Hope you can follow me also! :)

Happy GT!!

Shengkay said...

nakarelate ako sa friend mo..anyways, happy that he finally found the one..

happy GT!

kim said...

well.. we can't blame other people (girls in particular) to fall for JERKS. just charge it to experience, lol!

K said...

sad, but at least she learned her lessons well. and she has found someone at last that deserves her love.

i'm sorry to impose, but please, until i make the decision to choose your badge or a new badge, use the official badge from my site in order to avoid confusion among our Girl Talkers. i hope you understand.

darly said...

that's sad, but painful experiences like that makes us stronger.

Happy GT, here's my entry, hope you'd visit back

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