Life is unpredictable.We do not know what may lie ahead of us. If we listen to the news, we heard untoward incidents like natural calamities that affects many families, news about killing, suicidal missions, breakups, and a whole lot more! As a Christian, God warned us along the way. It was clearly written on His book all the things that we have to expect-specifically the worst case scenario. Indeed, the days are evil. That is why we should live our life to the fullest. Love, care and share while we still have time. We should be cautious enough on whom to mingle with. Let us try to influence others instead of the other way around unless it is for the better. Life is a gift, we should treasure it in such a way that when the time for us has come to leave this Earth, we have some legacy to impart with. Perhaps, the best legacy that we could leave here on Earth is knowing the fact that some lives are blessed because you existed and made a difference.

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